Sudah lama gak nulis.. rasanya blog ini lagi gua hindari dengan maksud enghindari hal buruk yg selalu gua lakukan klo ngblog.. NANGIS..
Banyak cerita indah dan jelek yg mgkn kelewat, tapi kali ini, jari gua gerak gt aja buat nulis..
Tentang perasaan yg hampir satu tahun gak pernah ada, ttg perasaan yg baru aja muncul lg..
I hate telling the hurts feeling, but now it's really hurt.
I know it shouldn't be like this.
But who care? Yes i'm the only one who care..
Just let my heart being happy for a while, to fill this emptiness, to make any smile with this mouth, and to feel the heart beating me..
It's great, untill i know that he's not alone..
I hate writing this bad feelings, 'cause i won't..